Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Quality: Netsis Improves Test Efficiency and Coverage with Virgosol's Test Automation Solution

Background: Logo Yazılım is a well-established ERP software provider in the finance, HR, warehouse management and banking sector, offering a comprehensive solution for businesses to manage their operations. However, they faced a problem with their test scenarios on one of their software Netsis not being efficient enough, and the best scope being insufficient. Logo, chose the cooperate with Virgosol to enhance the quality of their Netsis software and make their test operations more efficient.

Solutions: Virgosol's team of test engineers and developers collabrated with the Logo project development and test teams to create a project-specific framework using Katalon Studio and automation testing. The aim was to improve test efficiency and coverage, and to achieve this, they employed the Page Object Model (POM) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) techniques. To ensure regular harnessing, the team used Jenkins and integrated Gitlab for code version control. The new system's reporting system's reporting system was also improved to better analyze and report test results. An usable library was also installed for Netsis and a total of 55 scripts and approximately 980 steps were written.

Results: The new Netsis Test Automation System developed by Virgosol's team was a success. It improved test efficiency, increased test coverage, and saved time and resources. Regular harnessing with Jenkins ensured testing and reporting, and the usable library installed for Netsis enabled faster script writing with better test coverage. The new system enabled efficient automation testing, saving time and effort for the Logo project development and test teams. The reporting system's improvement also enabled better monitoring and analysis of test results, providing valuable insights and increasing the system's overall reliability.

Conclusion: The new Netsis Test Automation System, developed by collabration between Virgosol's team and Logo's project development and test teams, became successful in meeting the needs of Logo Yazılım. The solution provided by Virgosol for Logo, resulting in increased test efficiency, test coverage, and time efficiency in Netsis software. Regular use with Jenkins enabled smooth testing and reporting. The installed library for Netsis allowed faster scripting with better test coverage. The project development and testing teams. The improvement of the reporting system also made it possible to better monitor and analyze test results, provide valuable information and increase the overall reliability of the system.