What is Smoke Test? What are their purposes?

What is a Smoke Test?

A Smoke Test quickly checks whether a new software version or structural change affects the core functionality. At first glance, this test type checks whether the software has "smoke at startup." In other words, it aims to detect major errors that disable the main functionality of the software. The Smoke Test plays a critical role in deciding whether the software should proceed to further stages.

Objectives of the Smoke Test:

  1. Verify the core functionality.
  2. Quickly detect major errors.
  3. Decide whether the software should proceed to further test stages.

How to Perform a Smoke Test:

  1. Identify Core Functions:

    • Determine the core functionality of the system to be tested. It is important to clearly understand which main features will be tested.
  2. Create Smoke Test Scenarios:

    • Create simple scenarios for the identified core functions. These scenarios should include basic evidence that the system is functioning.
  3. Prepare the Necessary Environment:

    • Prepare the environment needed to conduct the tests. This may include the platform on which the software runs, database connections, network connections, etc.
  4. Conduct the Smoke Test:

    • Perform the smoke test based on the created scenarios. In this step, start the system and check whether the core functionality is working.
  5. Evaluate the Results:

    • Evaluate the results of the smoke test. Determine whether the core functionality has passed successfully. This is often indicated by a simple indicator such as "green/okay" or "red/problematic."
  6. Record Errors and Issues:

    • If any errors or issues are found during the smoke test, record them. This is important for the development team or relevant departments to focus on corrections.
  7. Report Progress:

    • Share the results of the smoke test and any identified issues with relevant stakeholders. Providing regular reports is important for monitoring progress and integrating it into the development process.

Advantages of Smoke Test:

  1. Quick Feedback:

    • Smoke tests provide quick feedback by checking the core functionality. This is crucial for identifying potential issues in the early stages of the development process.
  2. Early Error Detection:

    • Smoke tests help detect potential issues early in the development process or when a new feature is added. This can reduce correction costs in later stages.
  3. Assurance of Core Functionality:

    • Smoke tests verify that the core functionality is working, ensuring overall system stability and usability.
  4. Efficient Resource Usage:

    • Smoke tests check core functionality before running more comprehensive test suites. This prevents unnecessary resource usage and detects major issues before proceeding to further test stages.
  5. Preparation for Integration Tests:

    • Smoke tests, by confirming the functioning of core functionality, prepare the groundwork for transitioning to more comprehensive integration tests. This ensures that system components work together correctly.
  6. Accelerating the Testing Process:

    • By quickly evaluating the overall system health, smoke tests expedite the development process, allowing for faster delivery and presentation to customers.
  7. Cost-Effective Testing:

    • Smoke tests are generally designed as simple tests to check core functionality. Therefore, they are cost-effective and can be applied quickly.

Smoke tests are an essential tool for quickly assessing overall system health and checking core functionality. These advantages contribute to achieving speed, efficiency, and reliability in the software development process.

Which Test Should You Use?

The choice of which test type to use depends on the stage of the software, the magnitude of changes, and the intended test objective. Especially in large and complex projects, it is common to use both test types. The Smoke Test is a rapid check and decision-making tool, so it is typically used first in new build versions.

Author: Melih Can Demirtel