Using Docker for Containerization in Software Testing

Efficient and smooth progression of software development processes relies on the use of appropriate testing methods and tools. Docker facilitates easier, faster, and more effective management of software testing processes through containerization technology. In this article, we will explore the role and benefits of Docker in software testing, discussing how it can be utilized with various examples.

What is Docker?

Docker enables rapid and secure packaging and distribution of software applications into runtime environments. Docker employs a technology called "containerization." This technology ensures that the application and all its dependencies run within an isolated environment. This isolation allows applications to be moved and run seamlessly across different computers and environments.

Docker can be used in testing in the following ways:

  1. Reducing Inconsistency Issues with Docker: A software project can lead to compatibility issues when running on different development machines. Docker minimizes such problems by ensuring that all developers work within the same container environment. For instance, if one team member is using the Ubuntu operating system and another is using CentOS, Docker containers ensure that both environments work on the same foundation.

  2. Creating Isolated Test Environments: Isolating different test scenarios and environments is important for evaluating how software responds under various conditions. Docker creates isolated test environments by creating separate containers for each scenario. For instance, consider testing how an e-commerce application performs under high traffic conditions. Docker containers enable more reliable results for tests simulating different traffic levels.

  3. Easy Sharing of Test Environments: Docker images include the application, its dependencies, and configurations. This allows easy sharing of test environments, enabling others to conduct tests under the same conditions. For example, your QA team can recreate the same test conditions using Docker images created by the development team.

  4. Running Parallel Tests: Docker containers provide an ideal environment for running parallel tests. Running different scenarios and test types in separate containers can save time. For instance, API tests, user interface tests, and performance tests can be run simultaneously in different Docker containers.

  5. Automated Test Workflows: Docker simplifies automated test workflows by integrating with automation tools. The quick startup and shutdown of containers accelerate test processes. For example, running automated tests in a Docker container after every code change provides rapid feedback.

What is a Dockerfile:

A Dockerfile is a text file that defines how a Docker image (the foundation of a container) will be built. The image includes the basic file system, dependencies, and configurations required for the application to run. In a Dockerfile, you specify how the application's code, dependencies, and configurations are added, starting from a base image. This file assists Docker in automatically building the container.

Example Scenario with a Dockerfile:

Suppose you need to test a web application. The application relies on a specific database version and an external API service.

Creating a Docker File:

First, create a Docker file for your Java application:

# Set the base image
FROM openjdk:11

# Create the application directory

# Copy the application JAR file
COPY target/myapp.jar .

# Run the application
CMD ["java", "-jar", "myapp.jar"]

Creating and Running a Docker Container:

docker build -t test-java-app .
docker run -d --name test-container -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://dbhost:5432/mydb -e REDIS_HOST=redishost test-java-app

Here, environment variables like SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL and REDIS_HOST are used to configure the database and Redis cache that the application relies on.

Running Test Scenarios:

You can create a dedicated Docker container to test your Java application:

# Set the base image
FROM openjdk:11

# Create the application directory

# Copy the test code
COPY target/test.jar .

# Run the tests
CMD ["java", "-jar", "test.jar"]
docker build -t test-java-tests ./tests
docker run --rm --link test-container -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://dbhost:5432/mydb -e REDIS_HOST=redishost test-java-tests

In this example scenario, an example of how to conduct software testing for a Java-based application using Docker is presented. Both the application and test code can be run within isolated containers, enabling secure and repeatable testing.

Docker is a powerful tool for containerization in software testing. Its benefits, such as reducing inconsistency issues, creating isolated test environments, sharing test environments, running parallel tests, and enabling automated test workflows, enhance the software development process. Therefore, by effectively utilizing Docker in your software testing processes, you can create more reliable and high-quality software.

If you're seeking professional support and solutions in software testing, we recommend exploring Virgosol's software testing services. As a company specialized in software testing, Virgosol can support you in improving project quality and delivering seamless software. For more information, visit

Author: Fatih M. HARMANCI