Jenkins Integration with Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio supports multiple CI/CD integrations, and in this article, we will provide integration instructions for the popular tool, Jenkins, with Katalon. Jenkins is a Continuous Integration (CI) tool that automates software projects, reports errors, and allows for quick reaction to detected issues through scheduled and continuous runs.

Installing Jenkins

To install Jenkins, download the .war file and navigate to its directory using the command prompt or terminal. Then, enter the command "java -jar jenkins.war" in the terminal or command prompt. This command will install Jenkins on your device.

You can find the initial password in the /Users/your computer username/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword directory. You can proceed with the suggested settings.

Once you have installed the necessary plugins and created your username and password, you will be able to see the Jenkins dashboard.

Here, we need to install the Katalon Plugin for Jenkins in order to have it available among the Jenkins plugins.

Once the installation is complete, we can proceed with creating a new project through the Jenkins dashboard. After providing the project name, select the "Freestyle project" option. In the "Source Code Management" section, click on "Git" and define the remote repository where the project resides. At this stage, you will enter the necessary information for Katalon parameters.

Select the "Execute Katalon Studio Tests" menu. At this stage, you need to enter the Katalon Runtime Engine or Katalon version you will be using. In the "Command Arguments" section, you will enter the value obtained from Katalon Studio.

Click on the "Build Now" button located to the left of the "Run" button. This will initiate the build process for your Jenkins project.

From the opened screen, select the Test Suite to be executed. After choosing the platform and profile to run on, configure the execution settings. Then, click on the "Generate Command" button located at the bottom.

After clicking on the "Generate Command" button, a specific command will be generated based on the selected configurations.

Once you have copied the command, you can paste it into the "Command Arguments" field in Jenkins. Now your project is ready to be built. You can proceed with starting the execution of your tests.

In this article, we have seen the implementation of easy Jenkins integration with Katalon Studio. CI/CD processes are essential steps in automation. Missing steps in the automation process can significantly impact the success of automation. If you would like to get acquainted with Katalon Studio automation tool and discuss the test solutions we provide for your applications, you c contact us.