Code Analysis

Continuous analysis of code quality, new codes added to the project, bugs, security vulnerabilities, anti-patterns, unnecessary or repetitive code, etc. that may be present at the unit level. It covers the process of automatically observing and reporting such negativities.


Through the program to be established by Virgosol, continuous measurement of code quality will be ensured, and thus more effective and efficient developments will be made. With the system to be installed by Virgosol, bugs, security vulnerabilities, anti-patterns, unnecessary or repetitive code etc. will be detected in the early stages of code development. Codes are constantly measured and software development teams are ensured to work in a healthy and safe way.In this context, without the need for any other action, the code analysis of the project is measured when a new version is released for the project under development, and the project authorities are notified at the end of the analysis. After this notification, it is the responsibility of the project developer team to evaluate the results of the analysis and make the necessary corrections.